Albin Kurti's victory was not based on his achievements but on his rivals' weaknesses, Dnevnik concludes: Clearly a large section of the ...
During Trump's first term in office there was often strife in his team. He has learned from his mistakes, Dnevnik concludes: Eight years ...
Although Ukraine's accession to Nato is rather unlikely, its announcement is effective, Dnevnik contends: Western concerns about what this ...
Dnevnik sees a deadlock ahead: If anyone can prevent the HDZ from leading the government it is obviously only the HDZ itself, which has ...
Dnevnik warns against overoptimism on the occasion of the UN General Assembly: This is an organisation trying to find the lowest common ...
A Trump election win would be a tough test for the US justice system, Dnevnik comments: If Trump actually won, it would throw the US even ...
Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina invariably raise the same old question, says Dnevnik, namely: Whether the forces have been strengthened ...
Dnevnik comments: Jean-Claude Juncker once openly said that there would be no enlargement of the EU while he was leading the European ...
US President Joe Biden is sending a clear message with the airstrikes against the pro-Iranian militia in Syria, Dnevnik comments: The new ...
Dnevnik doesn't think Vladimir Putin should be too worried: [Navalny] isn't the first person to stir up a lot of dust, but with him it's ...