In a commentary for Delfi, journalist Māris Zanders takes a look at the chances of extremist parties in the elections: Sahra Wagenknecht ...
People are increasingly taking information on social media at face value, Delfi comments in concern: Ever since people began to be ...
China's support for Russia is not set in stone, the news website Satori comments: Russia's behaviour in the confrontation with Ukraine and ...
Even even after the end of the Afghanistan mission it is imperative that the West continues to show a global presence, web portal Satori ...
False information does not just come from Russia, Satori stresses: Our politicians shouldn't just naively believe that the Kremlin alone ...
The ruling will only strengthen the indifference that is again the norm in Latvia, Latvijas avīze sighs: In the first months after the ...
Latvijas avīze disapproves of all fuss being made over the pope's visit: Must a secular state make a financial contribution to the ...
It's supposed to be the content of a speech that matters, Latvijas avīze points out: Politicians in India or South Africa speak English ...
Before the president starts fashion modelling he should do something for his country, Diena complains: Is it at all fitting for a state ...