Eldiario.es anticipates genuine confrontations: Call it what you will - cold war, electronic war, culture war or, as is the case now, trade ...
For Eldiario.es this harks back to the Reconquista which came to a head in 1492, in which the Christians expelled the Muslims from the ...
Pedro Sánchez has fallen into Javier Milei's trap, says eldiario.es: If you feed the troll, even if it is in the guise of a head of state, ...
elDiario.es points to the real problem: Reading that we have a school dropout rate of 27 percent is like watching the rain fall. It's like ...
Eldiario.es wonders why male professional footballers haven't said anything: Over the last few days we have heard indignant words and calls ...
Eldiario.es is thrilled by such political skill: Incredibly good: with a single move, the progressive majority gains control of the ...
Eldiario.es says the whole of Spain should demonstrate: Imagine if Isabel Díaz Ayuso wins the regional elections. ... She would feel ...
Eldiario.es calls for a cool-headed reaction to the right's gloating: It's not easy to have a calm debate with so much background noise; ...
For creative writers AI is no competition, comments author Isaac Rosa in eldiario.es: You can rest assured: artificial Intelligence cannot ...
Author Isaac Rosa sees a revealing lack of genuine public debate on the war. In eldiario.es, he comments: The best proof that we are a ...