The president is at his wit's end, writes Dnevnik: The fear of Vučić and his SNS party, in which a group of people have supposedly sworn ...
Ukraine has been forced into a spectator role in the power play between Russia and the US, Dnevnik observes: It's dependent on American ...
This solution makes the best of a difficult situation, Dnevnik observes: According to the polls, if a government coalition had failed to ...
Nothing could prevent Milanović's resounding victory, Dnevnik comments: This was clear even before the election. The HDZ didn't want to ...
Although this would be the fourth time that the FPÖ has been part of an Austrian government, this time it is different, Dnevnik explains: ...
Dnevnik is cautiously optimistic: The first day in the new Syria at least didn't bode ill for the future. The assurances of the Islamist ...
Dnevnik does not believe that the majority of EU member states would back Orbán's approach: How could they when he favours solutions that ...
Dnevnik also sees domestic motives for the new Slovenian candidacy: In his predicament, Prime Minister Robert Golob pulled Marta Kos out of ...
The result of the vote is somewhat deceptive, explains Dnevnik: The fact that she was able to garner significantly more votes than expected ...
Dnevnik comments: In his inaugural speech, the president made it clear to the West that future relations with Russia will depend on the ...