The new candidate is a real threat to his rivals but he shouldn't overdo it with the anti-establishment rhetoric, warns ...
The differences in voting behaviour within the country are worrying, writes Florin Negruțiu in Russia's biggest victory in ...
The dispute will convey a false impression of Romania's attitude towards Ukraine, comments anxiously: The reaction of Romanian ...
With its veto, Austria has only strengthened the image of Romania which it has failed to correct itself, writes: Austria has ...
Focus should be placed less on persons and more on systems, believes: As long as there is no regime change, Russia will ...
In spite of the people's anger, there will not be a parliamentary majority in favour of removing Iohannis, predicts journalist Florin ...
Calls for a reform of the healthcare system are misguided, writes Florin Negruțiu in We already have reforms, what we need ...
In the past two weeks thousands of Romanians have travelled from Italy to their homeland. Commenting in blog journalist Florin ...
Journalist Florin Negruțiu wonders in how Dăncilă got as far as the run-off vote despite her poor performance in government: ...
The potential new prime minister's first test will be to propose capable ministers, writes: Now that Ludovic Orban's name is ...