Die Presse does not expect a quick fix: As always with Trump, the motto here is: Keep calm and wait and see. In the US's first statement ...
Die Presse is sceptical that the reservations vis-à-vis Eastern European countries have been overcome: Prejudices are still lurking beneath ...
Die Presse sees Moscow benefiting from the war in the Middle East in several ways: Firstly, because the war is diverting the attention of ...
First destroying the rule of law and then pushing for it is very inconsistent, Die Presse comments: What about the Poles' claim that they ...
Die Presse stresses the EU's responsibilities towards the people of Belarus: Sanctions have a prophylactic effect. The EU did well not to ...
Once again an unsatisfactory solution to the question of how to structure relations between the UK and the EU is emerging, Die Presse ...
The attempt to force the redistribution of the new arrivals in 2015 is now backfiring on the European Commission, comments Die Presse: The ...
PiS chief Kaczyński is still pulling the strings in the background, Die Presse is convinced: For the next three years there will be no ...
The EU cannot just stand by and watch any longer, warns the daily Die Presse: Apologists for the regime may point out that the parliament ...
Die Presse also sees certain similarities with Theresa May's deal: Behind all the theatrical threats of withdrawal without any ifs or buts ...