Trump isn't the only one in the US to flirt with expansionist fantasies, comments Karar: Even if Denmark doesn't take the possibility of a ...
A policy of discrimination will soon become part of everyday life in Germany, Karar fears: It looks like Germany will become a more ...
In Germany, even attitudes to people of Turkish origin could change, Karar believes: The knife attack in Solingen is likely to strengthen ...
For Karar, the winners and losers of the protests in France are clear: The main beneficiaries of this crisis are far-right as well as ...
The US and allies like Israel should take a more optimistic view of the rapprochement, Karar urges: The US establishment does not see this ...
Scoring points on the domestic front was the main motivation for Biden's visit to Ukraine, says Karar: Some say Biden wanted to prevent the ...
The EU's sanctions could drag Turkey into war, Karar fears: Helpless in the face of Russia's intervention in Ukraine but at the same time ...
The conservative daily Karar criticises the US's decision: The US secretary of state is politely saying that the US no longer accepts ...
The West should take the military parade as an opportunity to finally rethink its position, writes Karar: China has undoubtedly ...
Turkey should support efforts to find a peaceful solution, but not unconditionally, the Turkish daily Karar comments: The technical ...