Although there was no major breakthrough at least a little progress was made, Avvenire concludes: After three years of war every missile ...
There is a culture of violence in the US, complains Avvenire: It's not wrong to ask whether violence perhaps courses through the 'veins of ...
Admitting mistakes won't bring the dead back to life, Avvenire complains: No one doubts that it was a tragic accident - as the government ...
Mourning is not enough, Avvenire puts in: We should try to understand the logic that prevails in the Kremlin. ... What need was there to ...
Avvenire fears for democracy: The political system of checks and balances, the democracy that may briefly go off track but always has the ...
The Biden-Putin summit fell far short of being historic, Avvenire puts in: The Russian president confirmed his image as an ice-cold leader. ...
The EU must give a clear response, urges Avvenire, and must not allow the faux pas of the ceremony to lead to public acceptance of ...
The decision of this European "conclave" is historic, Avvenire comments in delight, but the paper also has words of criticism: With the ...
This nationalist alliance won't last long, Avvenire is sure: Orbán is calling on Italy to seal off the sea while Budapest puts up barbed ...
The prospect of accession for the Balkan states forces the EU to restructure, Avvenire writes: Will the Montenegrin worker inspire as much ...