Gazeta Wyborcza criticises: The much-discussed US decision to cut foreign aid is rather short-sighted. Apart from the fact that it is ...
Reform UK's small number of seats should not obscure its electoral success of Reform UK, notes Gazeta Wyborcza: The Tories' defeat was not ...
Gazeta Wyborcza says Haley shouldn't be written off just yet: She may have lost, but she has managed to show that there are still quite a ...
Gazeta Wyborcza weighs up the chances of Trump's rival Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries: The former US ambassador to the United ...
The Democrats are by no means off the hook, Gazeta Wyborcza warns: In a way, the figure of Trump, which overshadowed the Republican ...
Gazeta Wyborcza, by contrast, sees Pete Buttigieg as the most promising candidate: He invested almost all of his team's resources in the ...
Gazeta Wyborcza derisively compares the drama of Trump's speech with reality TV: Nothing can beat the scene in which Amy Williams, the wife ...
Brexit will have a direct impact on consumption, Gazeta Wyborcza predicts: Additional controls in the ports and the roads that lead to them ...
The parliament is increasingly taking control of the preparations for Brexit, comments Gazeta Wyborcza: The MPs had already secured the ...
The Democrats would do well not to make too much of their new political power, Gazeta Wyborcza puts in: Their majority in the House of ...