Diena looks back: In Turkey, parallels are being drawn between recent events and those of the late 1990s, when Kemalists arrested the then ...
Diena comments: As part of a first trip abroad in his new role, al-Sharaa travelled to Turkey and requested that it station its military ...
Diena notes a major difference to Trump's first inauguration: Unlike during his first presidency, when he hesitated to sign such executive ...
Diena sees a split among Trump's supporters over the immigration issue: The original core of the disagreement is simple: MAGA [Make America ...
Diena sees a very good reason for Guterres' trip to Russia: One of the broad areas of discussion concerned international organisations – ...
Diena is struck by how regional weather events can impact politics: If Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton had only hit Florida, the ...
Diena comments: Modern civilisation might as well be called the lithium battery civilisation. Since these energy storage devices first came ...
Diena evaluates the possibility of a centre-right coalition between the FPÖ and ÖVP: No other tandem will have a majority in parliament. ...
Diena sees at least two obstacles: In contrast to another association of non-Western countries Brics is just an informal club. The ...
Diena discusses the challenge the West faces here: In Western countries in particular, the Taliban are regarded as radical Islamists and ...