US President-elect Donald Trump is visiting Paris to attend the Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening ceremony in the midst of the political ...
There is no basis for joint strategies between China and India, Die Presse comments: Autocrats Xi and Modi have nothing in common except ...
The new alliance will further Kim's nuclear ambitions, says Die Presse: Experts doubt that Moscow will actually go so far as to supply ...
The press fears consequences for Europe: This crisis is different. It threatens to be painful - and not only for Italy. ... Thanks to ...
Politicians should be deeply concerned by the low voter turnout, Die Presse warns: Never since the start of the Fifth Republic in 1958 have ...
Die Presse has no sympathy for the political intrigues in Rome: There is no plausible reason for the collapse of the coalition in the midst ...
The new government is already displaying a lack of cohesion, Die Presse observes: The danger of unpredictable new elections with Lega ...
The Movimento 5 Stelle will fail the reality check, Die Presse predicts: 'Fuck off' is not a government programme. And that means Luigi Di ...
The fears at the prospect of an unclear majority after the election are exaggerated, Die Presse believes: The situation has often been ...
Xi Jinping will play the worldly statesman vis-à-vis Trump, Die Presse suspects: In Florida, a well-prepared Xi will meet with a US ...