wPolityce.pl criticises Zelensky's behaviour: He adopted a demanding attitude, presumably to come across to the world as a heroic leader ...
Today's EU has lost contact with its roots, says news website wPolityce.pl, which has close links to the PiS: The level of infantilism ...
The pro-government news website wPolityce says Agnieszka Holland's commitment on this issue is fake: Posing as the persecuted artist is ...
wPolityce.pl doesn't put too much stock in the documentary: Before we begin to open another front in the fight against the head of the ...
wPolityce.pl praises the President's decision: President Andrzej Duda's decision was a key move to counteract the attempt to downplay ...
The nationalist Onlineportal wPolityce.pl responds with outrage to the prize being awarded to Tokarczuk: So this is the kind of image of ...
The national-conservative daily wPolityce.pl criticises the British judges' decision that Alfie Evans' life support should be switched off ...
Liberalism is a danger for Europe, writes Marzena Nykiel, editor-in-chief of the pro-government news website wPolityce.pl: The decision by ...
Marzena Nykiel, editor-in-chief of the pro-government news website wPolityce, criticises the struggle of Polish women against an abortion ...
For Wpolityce.pl, by contrast, the protests are not in any way an expression of the popular will: The collective hysteria has taken just ...