
Daily newspaper


Danas was founded in 1997 by reporters from the newspaper Naša borba (Our Fight), who were dissatisfied with the policy of the then owner. Danas has quickly made a name for itself due to its harsh criticism of the Milošević regime, but the newspaper has also been suppressed for this and was even banned for a short time in the autumn of 1998. Danas is known for supporting Serbian NGOs, EU accession and minority rights.

Political orientation Critical of the government
Circulation 3,966 (2016)
Frequency of publication Daily
Visits 1.000.000 - 5.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Beograd, Serbia
Publisher DAN Graf d.o.o.
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1997
Address Beograd, Alekse Nenadovića 19-23
Phone 00381 011 344 1186
Email gl.urednik@danas.rs
Twitter @OnlineDanas