Público is disappointed: The least one could have expected from Paris is that the European leaders attending the meeting would commit to ...
Público is alarmed: Even scarier than the drive to destroy international rules and institutions under the 'America first' motto is the ...
An increasingly harsh international environment will bring the UK and EU back together, Público believes: Today, all illusions on both ...
Público does not see Prime Minister François Bayrou fundamentally changing the situation: Like Barnier, he will have to negotiate with the ...
The EU Commission head has increased her power, notes Público: Von der Leyen wanted to tighten her control over the Commission she ...
The success of far-right parties is no coincidence, Público surmises: Polls suggest that their presence in the EP will be large enough to ...
The two major political camps on whose convictions European integration is based are losing control, Público observes with concern: The ...
Público sees signs that the war is going in Ukraine's favour: Their 'drone battalions' have a basic mission: to show the Russians that they ...
The Russian war strategy of trying to crush the courage of the Ukrainian people by bombing the country's infrastructure will not work, ...
For Público, Biden's visit to Poland also heralds a new balance in US domestic and foreign policy priorities: The American president's ...