An escalation of the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo would have unforeseeable consequences, Telegram warns: Kurti has no political ...
Vučić is counting on counter-protests by his supporters with doubtful chances of success, Telegram explains: Opposition to his regime is ...
People in Serbia are also slowly realising that a solution must somehow be found to the Kosovo issue, notes: The atmosphere in ...
The compromise means de facto recognition of Kosovo by Serbia, says Telegram: If one had to sum up in one sentence what Vučić did in one ...
These protests could be the beginning of the end of the Vučić regime, Telegram comments: In the end Vučić miscalculated, because he did not ... believes the election victory could in fact mark the beginning of the end of the regime: After the victory Aleksandar Vučić, ...
It seems there's no room for cosmopolitan people in Dalmatia, rails: In fact, respectable people can only feel pure aversion ...
The old Ustaša militia are seizing power once more, concludes: In concrete terms the renaming means that in order to maintain ...