Nova Makedonija

Daily newspaper

Nova Makedonija is the Republic of Macedonia's oldest daily newspaper. The first edition, published in 1944, is considered the first document to be published in standard Macedonian. It was state-owned until 2003 and served as a mouthpiece for the respective governments. Since 2008 it has belonged to the businessman and politician Mincho Jordanov, one of the wealthiest individuals in Macedonia. Nova Makedonija is considered pro-government.

Political orientation Pro-government
Frequency of publication Daily
Visits < 500.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Skopje, North Macedonia
Publisher Repro Print DOOEL Skopje
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1944
Address Juri Gagarin Straße 15, 1000 Skopje
Phone 00389 2 55 11 711 
Twitter @NMvesti