Business paper Handelsblatt criticises the reluctance of southern and western EU member states: The further away the Russian border is, the ...
Handelsblatt is torn: Europe's criticism of the US under international law would no longer be credible in the future. This taboo-breaking ...
After the blockade is before the blockade, Handelsblatt fears: The next blackmail attempt from Hungary is bound to come. It is therefore ...
For Handelsblatt's London correspondent Carsten Volkery, lifting most measures but leaving the quarantine obligation in place lacks any ...
It is perhaps no coincidence that the tensions in Downing Street are coming to a head, Handelsblatt's London correspondent Carsten Volkery ...
Britain should take the EU's outstretched hand, recommends Carsten Volkery, Handelsblatt's London correspondent: The time for thrashing out ...
Despite Brexit, the British Prime Minister is not putting partnership with the US above everything else, comments Carsten Volkery, London ...
Brussels can now take its time with the negotiations for a new trade agreement with the UK, Handelsblatt explains: Johnson said in the ...
Being too close to Trump could become dangerous for Boris Johnson, Handelsblatt comments: Trump's enthusiasm for the Brexit is easy to ...
The British prime minister stands a good chance of being able to bring the Brexit process to conclusion now, Handelsblatt comments: Her ...