Rossijskaja Gaseta

Daily newspaper

Rossiyskaya Gazeta has a special status as the official newspaper of the Government of Russia: all laws and regulations must be published here in order to be valid. Accordingly, this visually appealing newspaper is loyal to the government, well-financed and - compared to other media of a similar format - cheap and available throughout the country. The Wednesday issue with its weekly TV program (a circulation of over 3 million) is similar to a magazine.

Political orientation Pro-government
Circulation 135,000
Frequency of publication several times a week
Visits 30.000.000 – 40.000.000
Online payment model All content for free
Location Moscow, Russia
Publisher FBGU Redakzija Rossijskoy Gazety
Area of distribution Nationwide
Established 1990
Address Moscow, 125993 , ul. Pravdy 24
Phone 007 49 57 75 31 18
Twitter @rgrus