Divided Slovakia needs dialogue now, Pravda appeals: Perhaps the most important task for the new government is to build bridges and ...
Pravda says the election campaign has revealed a systemic weakness: Slovak society is very polarised. Instead of a substantive dialogue ...
The allies must not fall out over the grain issue, warns Pravda: It's all right if we have reservations about Ukrainian grain exports. This ...
Under no circumstances should such infantile behaviour be rewarded in the election, Pravda admonishes: It doesn't matter who was right and ...
Pravda rejects the proposal on principle: Should Ukraine give up lost territory? For armchair generals and distant observers, this seems an ...
Pravda doesn't mince words: Those who have had the opportunity to observe Trump's escapades during his time in office may not be too ...
Turkey's approval of Sweden's accession has got the summit off to a good start, comments Pravda: President Erdoğan decided he had made the ...
For Pravda, it is by no means clear what the future holds for Putin after last weekend: Putin has won nothing. On the contrary. ... In the ...
With the expert government the head of state will automatically be in the spotlight, Pravda stresses: Zuzana Čaputová has chosen Ľudovít ...
Pravda comments on Putin's speech: Putin has just confirmed to us that in his Orwellian thinking, in which war is peace and lies are truth, ...