Damascus will not be the rebels' final objective, Israeli-based political scientist Abbas Gallyamov fears on Facebook: The only way the ...
In a Facebook post, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov compares the current situation with the chaotic 1990s: The dramatic plunge in the ...
In a Facebook post, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov stresses the importance of adopting a clear stance at least outside Russia: After ...
In a Facebook post, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov predicts that Trump will cosy up to Russia but ruin it economically: If the ...
Fear of Putin is one of the factors behind the success of Georgian Dream, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov comments on Facebook: 'No to ...
Political scientist Abbas Gallyamov, who lives in Israel, describes Tehran's interests in the negotiations on Facebook: Iran needs to think ...
Political scientist Abbas Galliamov is amused that Putin is calling this a provocation, and comments on Facebook: Why a 'provocation'? ...
Russian political scientist Abbas Gallyamov contemplates on Facebook what could come after the prisoner swap: A couple of dozen good people ...
Israel-based political scientist Abbas Gallyamov points on Facebook to a domestic factor in Iran: The Iranian Ayatollahs - who are behind ...
Political scientist Abbas Gallyamov doubts the assasination attempt will secure victory for Trump. He writes on Facebook: The ...