Merz's proposals are entirely reasonable, the Aargauer Zeitung nods: Putting his ideas into practice would mean a return to normality in ...
The Aargauer Zeitung say the book contains few surprises: The former chancellor stresses that she didn't write her memoirs to justify her ...
For the Aargauer Zeitung the ban should have come sooner: As early as 2017, the German government declared that the head of the centre was ...
Right-wing parties such as the AfD are deliberately helping the Kremlin, writes the Aargauer Zeitung: German interests, they believe, can ...
Democrats should not fight with such means, criticises the Aargauer Zeitung: Neither a ban on the AfD nor the withdrawal of [the far-right ...
The government in Berlin is likely to remain stable precisely because of its growing unpopularity, the Aargauer Zeitung reckons: The next ...
The German example should not be followed, the Aargauer Zeitung is warns: Neither the country nor the climate will be served by shutting ...
Although they don't show it openly, Germans secretly love the royals, says the Aargauer Zeitung: The monarch was visiting friends. In this ...