Sme is unsurprised by the US's negotiating style: Why did anyone believe that a man who seriously wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the ...
Sme takes a look at Orbán's motives: Of course Viktor Orbán didn't negotiate peace in Moscow - not even a fragment of a peace agreement. ...
Sme comments: The fact that the EU is concerned about certain steps taken by the Slovakian government - the amendment to the penal code or ...
The editors-in-chief of all major Slovakian newspapers penned a joint statement on the murder which was also published by Sme: Fico is once ...
What was the point of Pellegrini parting ways with Fico three years ago and founding his own party, Hlas, Sme asks: The Hlas project has ...
This election could lead to the decline of democracy in Slovakia, fears Beata Balogová, editor-in-chief of the Slovak daily Sme, in hvg: ...
Up to 15,000 Slovaks would leave their country if Fico wins, according to recent polls. Sme can well understand this: These people will not ...
Sme welcomes Korčok's candidacy: From the moment Zuzana Čaputová announced that she would not have enough strength for the next term, ...
Sme regrets the election outcome: Orbán spoke of a danger, but he wasn't referring to Putin and his war crimes. On the very day of the ...
Sputnik V will cause many problems for Slovakia, Sme fears: It's sad that Prime Minister Igor Matovič is joining Viktor Orbán, who is ...