Spain shaken by eleven-year-old's murder

A young boy was stabbed to death apparently at random on Sunday morning on a football pitch in the small Spanish town of Mocejón. The suspect, reportedly a mentally unstable 20-year-old local man, was immediately taken into custody. Spanish commentators are shocked both by the killing and by the violent racist reactions on social media.

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La Vanguardia (ES) /

Hate only increases horror and misery

La Vanguardia is appalled by the far-right campaigns:

“There is no longer any restraint on social media. Hate speech and a swamp of disinformation posing as news is now being spread not only by agitators but also elected politicians. The murder of an eleven-year-old boy who was playing football with his friends on a summer morning in Mocejón prompted a number of X posts asking whether there would be an outbreak of violence on the streets in Spain following the tragedy, similar to what just happened in Britain. Horror has many faces. So does human misery.” (ES) /

Fascist revolts sweeping Europe explains the far-right strategy:

“This is straight out of the handbook: 29 July Southport. A man murders three girls and wounds ten others. ... Immediately far-right fake news floods the Internet claiming that the attacker is an Islamic asylum seeker. Violent clashes follow. ... That was the first major fascist explosion in Europe. Right on target. ... The wave has now hit in Spain. ... Far right parties represented in the European parliament intensify their usual aggression after the murder of an 11-year-old boy. ... Straight out of the textbook. The attacker must be a 'coloured' immigrant. ... The fascist revolt is here. ”