Jews will no longer feel at home here
The Intact Denmark group's proposal aimed at banning the circumcision of underage boys contravenes the principle of freedom of religion, Fabricius Møller, a history lecturer at Copenhagen University, writes in Kristeligt Dagblad:
“Intact Denmark's proposal paints the Jewish faith as something akin to organised crime. The campaign has received the support of sections of society whose values are far removed from those of Western democracy. This is worrying. ... The question of whether we really need a new law on circumcision can remain open as far as I'm concerned. But if it can no longer be taken for granted that Denmark can be a home to Jewish communities, something has gone very wrong indeed.”
Supervision instead of a ban
A ban on circumcision would achieve nothing, Berlingske believes:
“As with abortion, a ban on circumcision would only force this tradition into the unsupervised underground. ... For that reason society should first place clearer demands on those who carry out the practice to ensure that the operation is carried out in orderly circumstances. One could also give the authorities more powers of supervision while encouraging an ethical debate. Because it's entirely possible to be against the circumcision of boys without necessarily being in favour of a ban.”