Putin on inaugural visit to Beijing

Shortly after his latest inauguration, Russian President Putin travelled to China to visit his counterpart Xi. While no significant agreements were concluded, the visit was a clear demonstration of mutual solidarity. Commentators are at odds over whether Moscow is Beijing's partner or vassal.

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Novaya Gazeta (RU) /

Dependent and exploited

According to Novaya Gazeta - not to be confused with Novaya Gazeta Europe - Russia has basically put itself at China's mercy:

“We talk so much about sovereignty and independence in all areas. Yet at the same time we voluntarily and happily make ourselves totally dependent on a country, far more so than we ever did with the West or anyone else. ... China has only one friend and ally - itself, and it is friends with us only to the extent that this is to its own benefit. This friendship is not meant to support us but to toy with America and Europe and gain advantages for itself using our hands ... We must realise that it will no longer be up to Putin to rid us of this dependence on China. This won't be a matter of years, but of decades.”

Neatkarīgā (LV) /

Alliance of the despisers of democracy

Neatkarīgā is concerned that the consolidation of an axis of authoritarian states is progressing:

“Gone are the days when the West was viewed with admiration and awe. ... There is not a single word about democracy, human rights and other values of the modern world in the final communique of Putin's visit. It does, however, emphasise the common understanding of Russia and China with regard to their desired vision of the global future. This future does not include any of the ideals of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity. ... For the time being, the West is stubbornly turning a blind eye to this gauntlet that has been thrown down.”