Slovakia: Fico back after attack

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was seriously injured in an attack around three weeks ago, has posted a video message on Facebook. The 59-year-old said he forgave the attacker but blamed the opposition and the media for creating a climate of hatred. Slovakian commentators lament that Fico's words have done nothing to calm the situation in the country.

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Sme (SK) /

No message of reconciliation

Sme is not happy with the prime minister's message:

“Fico has spoken. But not about reconciliation. ... He chose the path of searching for collective culprits. For him that means the media and what he considers an aggressive political opposition. Fico is understandably angry and hurt. He is undoubtedly the victim of a shooting. And yes, he was also a victim of hatred. But he has also spent years helping to foment this hatred.”

Denník Postoj (SK) /

Fundamental debate lacking

Denník Postoj comments:

“After the assassination, everyone – the coalition, the opposition and the media – had the opportunity to reflect at least a little on their responsibility for the enduringly toxic atmosphere in society. The prime minister's first words seem to be a harbinger of more bad news. In the end, there was no in-depth debate whatsoever. ... The much-vaunted return to more normal times has so far failed to materialise. After the attack and the first words of the wounded prime minister, Slovakia remains a pathologically polarised country.”