Hungary's EU Council presidency: What to expect?

Hungary takes over the rotating presidency of the EU Council on 1 July. The Hungarian government's much-criticised stance vis-à-vis EU decision-making, particularly with regard to the war in Ukraine, has raised doubts about the country's suitability for this role. Press reports now paint a more nuanced picture.

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Le Soir (BE) /

Now we'll see whether Europe really can work as a team

The Hungarian presidency of the Council will provide many insights for the EU, says Le Soir:

“The Hungarian EU Council presidency's Trump-inspired slogan – Make Europe great again – is causing concern. Nonetheless, (at this stage) it's only a slogan, albeit a provocative one! Especially since inclusivity has become the key concept of the EU summit, an expression of the will to get everyone on board (even Giorgia Meloni and... Viktor Orbán). ... The next six months will show whether Viktor Orbán can play by the rules or wants to disrupt the European machinery. Whatever the answer, it will provide clarity at a moment when Budapest's beloved sovereigntism continues to gain ground at EU and national levels.”

hvg (HU) /

Not entirely hopeless

Hvg says the Hungarian government must now be willing to make compromises:

“It's clear how important it is for Fidesz to escape its black-sheep role. ... A well-run Council presidency wouldn't be popular with the general public but it could soften Hungary's image in EU circles as a constant obstacle. ... It's no coincidence that the presidency's programme begins as follows: 'Hungary will work as an honest broker, in the spirit of sincere cooperation between member states and institutions, for the peace, security and prosperity of a truly strong Europe.' How the whole thing ends will, above all, depend on the extent to which the government is prepared to make genuine compromises and conduct objective negotiations.”