Vaccination: please don't jump the queue!
In most European countries coronavirus vaccination programmes are now in full swing - as far as supplies allow. Priority is mostly being given to the elderly, nursing home residents and system-relevant occupational groups - with slight variations from country to country. But almost everywhere there have been cases of people in privileged positions flouting the rules to get vaccinated quicker. Commentators vent their fury.
What planet are these idiots on?
Commenting in infoLibre, poet Luis García Montero struggles to find the words to describe politicians, bishops and hospital directors who are exploiting their position to cheat their way to the front of the vaccination queue:
“I write scoundrel, rogue, villain, trickster, shameless cheat. ... Then I change the perspective and write gullible, naive, simpleton. ... But I could also say: idiot, fool, good-for-nothing. ... The people who are brazenly disregarding the vaccination protocols may be driven by different motives. Some are driven by impudence; others are seduced by flatterers or poor advice. Some are simply confused, and others are just stupid. But what planet are they on? Did they not realise that that they would immediately make headlines and become a public scandal?”
Equal rights for everyone
Sweden's vaccination plan calls for care home residents aged over 70 to be innoculated first. The heads of the Eskilstuna town council have caused a scandal by having themselves and their families vaccinated first. King Carl Gustav also received the vaccination earlier than the plan foresees. Dagens Nyheter demands absolute fairness:
“There's a lot of talk about vaccine sceptics. But most of the Swedes want to get vaccinated and as soon as possible. And with many groups there are good arguments for prioritising them: teachers, bus drivers, supermarket employees. But the families of mayors do not belong to these groups. We must strictly adhere to the established order in the vaccination plan. Because in Sweden all are equal before the law. Even if King Gustav is a little more equal than everyone else.”