Trump: guilty on all 34 charges

In the trial over hush money payments to a porn actor, the jury has unanimously found Donald Trump guilty on all charges. The sentence is to be handed down on 11 July - just a few days before the Republicans plan to nominate Trump as their presidential candidate for the second time. But even if the former president has to go to prison, he will still be able to run for office.

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Kaleva (FI) /

Radicalisation likely

The majority of Trump's supporters will probably stick by him, Kaleva points out:

“Next, Trump will launch a fierce attack against the judicial system. Accusations of a witch hunt and a corrupt court dominated by the elite have already been levelled. If anyone knows how to turn the message on its head and mobilise supporters to start the mud-slinging, it's Trump. According to a poll published by ABC News at the beginning of May, Trump's supporters won't be swayed by the judgement. Only four percent said they would change their candidate. ... The worst-case scenario would be that Trump begins to radicalise his supporters and incite them to avenge the 'injustice' committed against their hero.” (GR) /

Honesty barely counts anymore

Trump will continue to benefit, writes the news website In:

“The real and more serious problem with the events in the US and Donald Trump's conviction is not that he has been convicted, but the fact that it may not have any impact on the election result. ... This shows that the identification between voters and politicians is gradually ceasing to encompass criteria such as honesty or sincerity, which had seemed irreplaceable. Now all that matters is whether someone has the right populist rhetoric, the means to demonise opponents and create enemies, the skills to exploit social media. Even dishonesty and delinquency are counted as 'points in favour'.”

Club Z (BG) /

Everything depends on the undecided

Trumps' court cases could very well decide the election, Club Z is sure:

“The psychological impact of the court proceedings on voters should not be underestimated. Trump's loyal supporters will try to sacralise him, but the majority of Americans still trust their justice system more than they trust him. And it has delivered a harsh verdict: Trump is a criminal. ... So despite Biden's weak performance in office, on 5 November moderate voters will be asking themselves: do I want a criminal president? Prison probably won't stop Trump, but the common sense of a small number of undecided voters could well tip the scales.”

Adevărul (RO) /

The jury is the best guarantee of impartiality

Adevărul addresses Trump's accusations that the jury was biased:

“The jury is the main pillar of the American justice system, which is different from the European one. The citizens selected as jurors are ordinary people who have been accepted by both the prosecution and the defence and are the best guarantee that the decision in a trial will not be affected by political or material influences. ... Trump's accusations that the justice system is being politically directed by President Biden are therefore not valid.”

Corriere della Sera (IT) /

Disadvantage in a neck-and-neck race?

The consequences of the verdict for the November elections are uncertain, says Corriere della Sera:

“A survey conducted by Quinnipiac University last month found that six percent of Trump's voters would be less willing to vote for him if he were convicted. A small percentage, but one that could be significant in a neck-and-neck race like the one against Biden. Others say this conviction will carry little weight in the election in five months' time in which the economy will be the main issue for Americans. Moreover, Trump has used this trial to portray himself as a victim of the system and mobilise his electorate.”

Ilta-Sanomat (FI) /

Only the ballot box counts

The court will not decide whether Trump is re-elected, emphasises Ilta-Sanomat:

“The Trump judgement is primarily symbolic. ... Nothing in the New York judgement prevents Trump from seeking another term as president. Not even in the hypothetical case that he goes to prison. He could be elected president from behind bars. As President Joe Biden said immediately after the judgement, the only way to keep Donald Trump out of the White House is at the ballot box. At this stage, it's hard to say what impact Trump's conviction will have on the outcome of the election.”

The Economist (GB) /

A historic disgrace

The Economist doesn't believe that the verdict will bring Trump down:

“This historic disgrace should both shock the nation and reassure it about its capacity to achieve justice. That the conviction of Donald Trump will probably accomplish neither result testifies partly to the corrosive power of Mr Trump's shamelessness and partly to the complex, contestable nature of the charges brought against him. ... Maybe this conviction, as some polling suggests, will cause independent-minded voters to abandon Mr Trump. If not, then paying hush money to Ms Daniels may now help elect Mr Trump a second time.”

Dagens Nyheter (SE) /

No judgement on the real scandal yet

Dagens Nyheter stresses that the verdict does nothing to avert the threats to democracy:

“There are four indictments against Trump and this was the least serious and easiest to cast doubts on: the prosecutor had said that he would go hard against Trump, the jury came from one of the Democrats' most robust strongholds and the judge has donated a dollar or two to that very party. ... Trump is facing charges over the outrageous attempt to prevent a peaceful transition of power. However, there is much to suggest that in that case the legal review won't take place before the election. ... So Trump won't have to defend himself in court for his threats against democracy, and Trumpism can continue on its chosen path.”