Estonia: Russians not allowed to vote in local elections

The Estonian parliament has amended the country's constitution to strip Russian and other non-European citizens of their right to vote in local elections. Around 80,000 Russian citizens live in Estonia. Commentators in the national press examine motives and consequences.

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Postimees (EE) /

Incentive for integration

Postimees praises parliament for its decision:

“In this case, swift action was the only option, because Russia's attack on Ukraine has paradoxically given us a historic opportunity to consolidate Estonian statehood. This historic window may not be open for much longer, however, and it's good that we've been able to make use of it despite the prolonged wrangling. ... It's now been 34 years since Estonia regained its independence. That's plenty of time to learn Estonian, familiarise yourself with Estonian customs and apply for citizenship. Hopefully, parliament's latest decision will be an additional incentive for those who have not yet done so.”

Maaleht (EE) /

Not in the national interest

The marginalisation of Russian citizens is also harmful to Estonians, says sociologist Andrus Ristkok:

“Now the security situation is also being cited as a justification. It remains unclear how and by what means this amendment to the electoral law is supposed to ensure the independence of the state if the social, economic, cultural and natural interests of certain regions are no longer taken into account in its administration. ... Indifference vis-à-vis the culture and nature of these regions and the demographic problems they encounter will translate into direct damage to the interests of Estonians. After all, they are also part of Estonia.”

Postimees (EE) /

Use soft as well as hard approach

Sergei Metlev, editor-in-chief of the Russian-language version of Postimees, comments:

“This changes the political reality in Estonia and, together with other decisions, shows that Estonia has opted for an 'all or nothing' strategy on Russia. ... That said, the biggest danger is that around a third of Russians, who already live somewhat apart from Estonian reality, are now protesting with renewed vigour and have no interest in the Estonians' legitimate concerns. ... At this point there is no telling whether this situation won't take a very negative turn in the near future. And therein lies the greatest danger. ... So we need a positive programme now - right now. In a free society you can't rely on thumbscrews alone.”

Eesti Päevaleht (EE) /

Difficult questions to answer

Mayor Katri Raik of Narva, a city on the Russian border where some 30 percent of the population are Russian citizens, expresses her dismay in Eesti Päevaleht:

“The country is split in two: you Estonians and us Russians, whom the Estonians don't trust. ... Integration as we knew it has truly failed. It's not so much the Russian citizens who are offended - although they are offended too - but the Estonian citizens whose mother tongue is Russian. Everyone who lives in Narva has Russian citizens or stateless persons in their family or extended family. Why is my mother-in-law not good enough for Estonia? Why does my father, who has lived and worked here all his life and adhered to the law, not fit in? ... These are the questions the Mayor of Narva must answer, even if she has no answer.”