Two submarine internet cables in the Baltic Sea were damaged within just a few hours of each other on Sunday and Monday. Swedish and other European security authorities are investigating suspected sabotage. A Chinese freighter and several other ships that were in the vicinity of the cables at the time, including a Russian one, are being monitored. Europe's press sees a clear suspect – and the need for action.

Gazeta Wyborcza (PL)
Postimees (EE)
Deutschlandfunk (DE)
France Inter (FR)


La Repubblica (IT)
Le Soir (BE)
El País (ES) (HR)
Avvenire (IT)
La Vanguardia (ES)
Deutsche Welle (RO)
Spotmedia (RO)
Libération (FR)
Telegraf (UA) (UA)
Echo (RU)
The Guardian (GB)
The Times (GB)
Ilta-Sanomat (FI)
Frankfurter Rundschau (DE)
Berlingske (DK)
Jyllands-Posten (DK)
Igor Eidman (RU)
Alexander Podrabinek (RU)
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