Slovakian president a boon?

Zuzana Čaputová has been president of Slovakia for one year. Since her election the social-liberal lawyer and environmental activist has been praised for defending the rights of minorities and same-sex couples and taking a firm stance on corruption, and also for her commitment to solving the murder of Ján Kuciak. Čaputová has lived up to the high expectations, commentators say.

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Free of cheap populism

Zuzana Čaputová is the kind of positive role model the world really needs, says

“This is especially true at a time when arguing on the basis of facts doesn't work. We need politicians who don't resort to populist promises and lies. Who don't stir up conflicts or polarise society in the pursuit of power. Zuzana Čaputová has brought freedom from conflict and authenticity to politics. After one year we can say that we have a good president. ... She doesn't live in an ivory tower but is very aware of what lies ahead and what challenges and problems still await us. It would be good if in four years' time we can give her entire term of office such a positive assessment.”

Denník N (SK) /

Criticism has faded away

Denník N stresses how popular the president is:

“When Zuzana Čaputová took office, people waved to her in the streets of Bratislava, but there were also critics who pointed to the low turnout. Less than 50 percent of voters put their trust in the president. Today it's three quarters of the population. Čaputová's critics became quieter and quieter, and now they can hardly be heard. When she gave her first address on the state of the nation even her opponents said she'd brought dignity back to the office of president. ... Her predecessor Andrej Kiska also used the office to defend democracy and justice, especially in the first half of his presidency. But Zuzana Čaputová does it much more intensely. And above all more efficiently.”