Remembering Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová

Slovakia is commemorating the sixth anniversary of the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová. The new Fico government's criminal law reform has come under fire at commemorative events on the grounds that it seeks to sweep corruption cases from Fico's previous time in government under the carpet. The press agrees with the criticism.

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Sme (SK) /

We will never be silent

The editors-in-chief of all major Slovakian newspapers penned a joint statement on the murder which was also published by Sme:

Fico is once again targeting journalists and directing the anger of his voters against them. He did not order the murder of Ján Kuciak, but he is politically responsible for an environment in which someone thought they could get away with murdering a journalist. ... The new criminal law today downplays corruption, harms victims and pardons people in Fico's entourage. We are journalists, and it is not our job to fight against politicians. But we must write about their failures, their lies and their crimes. ... We will never give in, we will never be silent.” (SK) /

Journalism toothless without its readers

Peter Bárdy, the editor-in-chief of, where Kuciak worked, personally addresses the news website's readers:

“You stood by us before the murder, you were a strong support when we faced this tragedy and you have stayed with us until now. ... Without you, our work would be pointless. ... We are aware of the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and know that we will be under attack in our defence of democracy, law and justice. But with you, we will always be stronger.”