China provokes with military drills around Taiwan

China has been conducting military exercises encircling the island of Taiwan since Thursday. The country has reported dozens of violations of its air defence zone. Yesterday China threatened bloodshed and today a Chinese military spokesman said they were testing the China's ability to seize power over the self-governed island. The press takes a critical view of the latest developments.

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La Stampa (IT) /

The third front

Beijing is seizing its chance, La Stampa explains:

“China's display of military might right after Taiwan's strongest advocate of independence took power has suddenly brought the world's attention back to the 'third front', a conflict that is frozen but always ready to explode. Xi Jinping's muscle-flexing comes close on the heels of Vladimir Putin's visit to Beijing, which restored relations between the two powers as antagonists of the West. ... In formal terms, however, Beijing wants to avoid making any false moves. It is determined to capitalise on the contradictions that are emerging in the Western bloc and which are being highlighted by the other hot front, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

La Croix (FR) /

Europe must protect Taiwan

China could do to Taiwan what Russia did to Ukraine, La Croix fears:

“The path of democracy is intolerable for a regime based on the ruthless supremacy of the Chinese Communist Party, just as the democratisation of Ukraine was deemed a threat by the Kremlin. The dictators who rule China and Russia share the same hostility to a form of government that holds rulers accountable to their people. Over the past two years they have been propping each other up more and more. ... From this perspective, Taiwan must be seen as an outpost of the principles and values promoted by Europeans in particular. It must be supported and protected.” (UA) /

Grave consequences for the global economy points to the economic dimensions of the conflict:

“In the event of an escalation, Western countries, in particular the US and its allies, could impose tough economic sanctions on China. These could include restrictions on technology exports, investment bans and the freezing of assets of Chinese companies and government organisations. However, in view of the economic interdependencies such sanctions could have grave consequences for the global economy.”