Why did Netanyahu dissolve the war cabinet?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved Israel's war cabinet. The move came in response to the demonstrative resignation of the comparatively moderate Benny Gantz and the desire on the part of more extreme ministers to join the war cabinet, which had been formed after the Hamas attack, and in which decisions have been made behind closed doors. Europe's press looks deeper.

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Corriere della Sera (IT) /

All to avoid losing US weapons

The decision is entirely based on Netanyahu's demand that the US resume its supply of weapons unrestricted, Corriere della Sera is convinced:

“The US's answer was: Okay, but on one condition. There will be no additional aid if the conflict in the north is handled like the one in Gaza, namely under pressure from the two far-right ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir. ... Bibi remained pragmatic, listened and made a decision within a few hours. He dissolved the war cabinet convened after the Hamas attack. ... From now on Netanyahu will do his own thing, flanked by the ministers for defence and strategic affairs, Yoav Gallant and Ron Dermer.”

The Irish Times (IE) /

Expression of isolation and vulnerability

Pressure is mounting on the Israeli PM at home and abroad, The Irish Times comments:

“The demands by the ultranationalist national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and finance minister Bezalel Smotrich to join the war cabinet had to be forestalled, so he simply abolished it. The task of managing the war now reverts to a small echo chamber of acolytes. The large domestic protests, the disintegration of the coalition, the continued extension of Israeli attacks in Gaza to the West Bank and the clashes on the Lebanese border all reflect a moment of huge vulnerability and increasing isolation for Israel and its extremist government in particular.”

Pravda (SK) /

No war, no backing

A quick end to the war is unlikely to benefit Netanyahu personally, Pravda explains:

“As soon as Israel lays down its arms in Gaza, the countdown to the end of Netanyahu's political career will begin, overshadowed by allegations of corruption and fraud and compounded by the failure of the security forces of 7 October. Despite the fact that key members of the Biden administration including the president himself are not hiding their frustration with Netanyahu's appalling actions in Gaza and the crossing of a number of red lines set by the White House, US diplomatic and military support for Israel continues. Netanyahu is even scheduled to address both houses of Congress in July, where he will no doubt receive a standing ovation.”