Poland has taken over the EU Council presidency under the motto "Security, Europe!". For the next six months Warsaw will lead the Council meetings at which the governments of the EU member states prepare and make decisions together. Europe's press discusses the new presidency and compares it with the Hungarian one, which was highly contentious.

Polityka (PL)
Hospodářské noviny (CZ)
hvg (HU)
Lrytas (LT)
Krytyka Polityczna (PL)
Magyar Nemzet (HU)


Eesti Päevaleht (EE)
Ukrajinska Prawda (UA)
Handelsblatt (DE)
Espreso (UA)
Glavkom (UA)
Die Welt (DE)
Libération (FR)
taz, die tageszeitung (DE)
Le Soir (BE)
Tygodnik Powszechny (PL)
Sme (SK)
Aktuálně.cz (CZ)
La Stampa (IT)
The Economist (GB)
Postimees (EE)
Dagens Nyheter (SE)
El País (ES)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH)
Die Presse (AT)
Handelsblatt (DE)
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