Athens discusses constitutional reform

The Greek cabinet is debating a new electoral law and a constitutional reform that were among the campaign pledges made by the ruling party Syriza. The country's media are appalled.

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Kathimerini (GR) /

Greece not mature enough yet

One of the planned reforms in particular makes Kathimerini anxious:

“The election of Greece’s president by the people is a highly problematic affair. The country has yet to reach a point of political maturity that would allow for the luxury of a public argument between an elected president and an elected prime minister with the Parliament represented by the latter. Greece is still immersed in a deeply Mediterranean political culture, invariably flirting with extremes, tension and, ultimately, the system’s deregulation. … Greece would constantly be in agony over a possible institutional crisis that could swiftly turn into a political crisis, or worse, culminate in some sort of civil strife. Just imagine, for instance, a strong, elected president on the one hand and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on the other disagreeing openly last summer.” (GR) /

Neo-Nazi party must not be strengthened

One amendment foreseen by the new electoral law is a reduction in the number of seats received as a bonus by the strongest party from 50 to 30. But the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn would also benefit from this measure if the law is passed, the portal Protagon criticises:

“Golden Dawn has a vested interest in the new law as it will wield more power in parliament if the strongest party has fewer seats. The law, which would come into effect with the next elections, will only be passed if the 18 Golden Dawn MPs also vote for it. The idea behind the bill is to regulate how governments are formed in the future. But if it's passed it will bear the stigma of having been signed by a criminal association. ... A decision on our democracy can't be passed by people who oppose democracy. The democratic parties should find a different solution.”