Two months after the French parliamentary elections, President Emmanuel Macron has appointed former EU Commissioner and Brexit chief negotiator Michel Barnier as his new prime minister. In the run-off election on 7 July, the left-wing alliance NFP received the most votes, while Barnier's conservative Les Républicains came fourth with just 5.4 percent. Europe's press discusses whether his appointment is nonetheless a good decision.

L'Opinion (FR)
La Repubblica (IT) (UA)
Mediapart (FR) (RO)


Corriere della Sera (IT)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH)
Valerii Pekar (UA)
Aydınlık (TR)
Karar (TR)
Diena (LV)
El País (ES)
Kleine Zeitung (AT)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH)
Evrensel (TR)
Karar (TR)
L'Opinion (FR)
Les Echos (FR)
Expresso (PT)
Trud (BG)
Sydsvenskan (SE)
Polityka (PL)
Svenska Dagbladet (SE)
Kurier (AT)
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